Public Grievance DOPATE 201200352

Status as on 25 Oct 2014

Registration NumberDOPAT/E/2012/00352
Name Of ComplainantSarbajit Roy
Date of Receipt03 May 2012
Received byDepartment of Personnel and Training
Contact AddressRoom No. 279, North Block, New Delhi, 110001
Contact Number23093055
Grievance DescriptionI am aggrieved that the Chief Information Commissioner of India (Mr. Satyananda Mishra) did not acknowledge my public grievance sent to him on 29.March.2012 by email, and did not communicate the action, if any, taken on it to me. The subject line of my grievance communication sent by email is as under:- "Request for Appointment concerning anti-National activities of Shri Shailesh Gandhi"
Current StatusCASE CLOSED
Date of Action16 Oct 2012
DetailsYour grievance is being sent seperately to Secretary , CIC